Monday, June 4, 2007

This Can't Be Happening...

Went downtown Thursday evening for the Ithaca Festival Parade, which kicks off the annualcelebrations. Jean and I were watching from under a big, comfortable tree as the procession marched past. Dancing Tofu, the Red and Purple Ladies, the Chainsaw Club, the Dancing Volvos. Lesbians Against (fill in the blank: WAR, OIL, GEORGE BUSH, HEALTH CARE), The Composting Contingent, which was seemingly adorned in something that looked eerily like a large, animated colon slithering back and forth across Cayuga Street to loud, favorable applause. I wasn't sure if the applause was for composting or the slithering colon. We were standing right behind a 30-something couple both wearing matching "Socialist Party Of America" tshirts. Can I get those at Wal-Mart?

Then the rains came....and came...and came....The tree protected us for about 10 minutes, by which time we were thoroughly drenched...We hightailed it under a vendor's tent, where we stood huddling close, trying to keep warm, since the temperature plummeted from 89 degrees to about 66 degrees in roughly 40 minutes. Sadly, the parade fizzled like a Bromo in a glass of water, participants scrambling for cover. It was funny to see the Dancing Tofu people running to avoid the storm....

In the waning rain, we limped back to the truck and, teeth chattering, turned the heat on for the ride home.

Just another topsy turvy adventure that defines Life In Ithaca....

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